Are you considering updating your business security to use an access control system? When you’re looking to migrate your staff and premises to a new way of doing things it’s good to plan ahead. Below are 3 access control steps for businesses to take when updating their security.
Create a list
Start by creating a list of all employees who will require access to the premises. You will need to ensure you include regular daytime staff, cleaning staff, and possibly maintenance or IT crew. Use a spreadsheet to keep track of who will need access to the building. You can also include details for access times for each member.
By organising your list of staff this will assist with grouping and defining user access. If majority of your staff need building access between 8:30am and 5:30pm Mon – Fri, they can be added to the same group. All users of this group will then have cards or FOBs allowing them to enter the building during these times. Their access will be restricted at all other times.
Plan the pathways
Once you have got your employees listed and grouped it’s time to start considering the pathways. What do we mean by pathways? Which doors do you want the system to control? Are there certain doors you want to limit access to? An example of this might be the CFO’s office. Only the CEO and CFO can unlock this door? A supply or storage cabinet may only be accessed by reception staff.
You will need to consider how staff currently move around the building, where they need to go, and can you streamline traffic movement with an access system? Also consider adding hand sensors on staff only sides of doors which can be controlled by an electronic door opener/closer.
Communicate with your staff
Let your employees know that building access will be changing. Warn them of the impending updates so that they have time to adjust to the change and ask any questions they might have. Big changes are always easier and smoother when everyone is on board, aware of their surroundings, and feels included in the process.
Provide a timeline to your staff. This might include which day they will need to return their keys or collect swipe cards/FOBs. It could also include when the system is being installed and when training on new building access will occur.
Do you have a question about access control? Get in touch with us and we will be able to answer all of your questions, as well as provide a no obligation quote.