Wynns Locksmiths

The deadbolt and deadlatch are two of the most commonly installed lock mechanisms. They also tend to cause the most confusion. Most insurance companies require either deadbolts and deadlatches for full home insurance policies. There are many options for both locks on the market. After deciding on your style choice we advise having a chat with a professional locksmith about the different available products and what will suit you best.

Deadbolt | Wyns Lockstmiths | Difference betweem deadlatch and deadbolt

What is a deadbolt?

It’s a lock you need to use a key with to lock and unlock. Generally deadbolts are installed on doors that already have a doorknob set.

The deadbolt adds extra security to the door, essentially a double locked door when no one is home. Usually people tend to use the knob set when they are on the premise and lock the deadbolt when they are off the property. Usually a round or oval shaped plate is visible on both sides of the door with the keyhole.

Deadlatch | Wyns Lockstmiths | Difference betweem deadlatch and deadbolt

What is a deadlatch?

A deadlatch will deadlock itself when closed. You only need to use the key to unlock the deadlatch.

Newer versions of deadlatches only require you to use a key on the outside of the door. From the inside you can unlock and open the door with the latch, no key necessary. However this is also the common reason people tend to lock themselves out of the house.

Deadlatches are commonly found on front doors that don’t have handles or if they do they are purely there for aesthetics.

To deadbolt or deadlatch?

Opt for a deadlatch if you want to just pull the door shut and deadlock it automatically behind you. If you have a knob set and just want some extra security and the choice of when it’s locked then it’s a deadbolt you’re after.

Pulled your deadlatch closed and don’t have your key on you? Don’t worry, Wynns Locksmiths can help get you back inside. Deadbolts and deadlatches can also be purchased from our store located at 110 Bell St, Preston, 3072. Come in and have a chat to our friendly team for professional advice on your home security.