Wynns Locksmiths is now an authorized dealer of LOKtouch, a unique, electronic Master Key System offering premium security. This system uses stand-alone electronic cylinders and electronic keys and replaces traditional mechanical cylinders, keys or expensive fully-wired electronic systems.
LOKtouch can be used in almost any location or setting including small offices, warehouses, factories, schools or universities.
How Does LOKtouch Work?
Electronic cylinders are easily retro-fitted to replace existing mechanical locks cylinders in doors, filing cabinets, desk drawers, padlocks, etc. Locks and users are created and recorded using the LOKtouch software system. Users can be assigned expire dates and availability time zones, such as business hours, weekend and holiday access, etc. Permissions are then set on which locks can be accessed by each user. A LOKtouch key is then created, programmed and distributed to each user. The LOKtouch software can create an audit trail of lock access and user activity.
LOKtouch Features
The LOKtouch key is the smallest electronic key of its kind. Through a software system, each key can be set with its individual access permissions and can provide you with a user audit trail. Each key stores the last 3,000 access events and every system lock retains current access events. A LOKtouch key can be blacklisted to specific locks, while lost or stolen keys can be expired from the system.
LOKtouch can be easily installed to your existing security system.
NFC (Near Field Communications)
NFC, short for “Near Field Communication,” is a short-range, wireless system that utilises electromagnetic radio fields instead of typical radio transmissions, such as Bluetooth. LOKtouch keys work with NFC which ensures fast, encrypted transmission of access information between the user key and lock. No physical connection is required to transmit encrypted data.
LOKtouch is a licensed product of the MLA, and is only supplied throughout Australia and New Zealand by Master Locksmiths, assuring your professional guarantee. Wynns Locksmiths is a proud member of the Master Locksmiths, Australia.