Wynns Locksmiths

Meet Tim Batchelor: A Passionate Locksmith and Security Enthusiast. Tim’s journey into the locksmith world started at the heart of his family business, Batch’s Locksmiths. Born into it, he officially embarked on his locksmith apprenticeship in late 1999.

How did you become a Locksmith?

I was lucky to be involved in our Family Business Batch’s Locksmiths since I was born. Officially started my apprenticeship in late 1999.

What do you enjoy most about being a Locksmith?

Every day is different. Being a problem solver, this has always been an interest.

What excites you about the Electronic Security & Locksmith Industry?

Innovation and keeping up with the latest updates to Locks, Cameras, Alarms and Electronic security in general so that I can assist our customers in choosing what is the best fit for their requirements,

Tim Batchelor

What's your favourite?

Colour: Don’t have a preference, but Red, Green, Blue make us the most colours!​

Food: Pretty much anything as long as there is a lot of it, apart from Seafood, either from the Ocean or the River.

Drink: Plenty of Water and the occasional beer.l

Sport: As a kid I was quite sporty, and now I’m only 1 letter away from being “FIT”.