Wynns Locksmiths

When it comes to managing the security of a construction site the type of locks and keying systems used can play an important role. Construction keying systems have been designed to assist with ensuring that access is provided where necessary. These locks allow control over access to certain areas on a site. Different keys can be provided that unlock certain or all locks.

The added bonus of construction keying is the saving on rekeying a site when the building is completed. Let’s use an apartment building as an example. During the building process the lock hardware has been installed. A key has been given to the plumbers to be able to access each apartment to do their jobs, same with the electricians. The concern here is that others may have keys and access to your new apartment. Construction keying however works by once the primary/final key has been used in the lock it prevents all other keys from working with the lock any further. This way once the “apartment” key is used, the “plumbing” or “electricity” keys will no longer be able to gain access.

Give your security edge!

If you’re looking for a quality construction keying system for your site chat to us about Security Edge. We are proud to offer our clients security with an edge. Please contact your nearest Wynns Locksmiths store for more information about keying system solutions.