Wynns Locksmiths

Car keys are a tricky thing and there is no simple answer to how much it costs to replace one. So we will do our best to answer this for you. There are different types of car keys out in the world. The two most common types are remote and non-remote car keys. Like the name suggests non remote keys don’t have a remote function. These are generally found on older model vehicles and are just a key. Remote keys include a remote. This is a key with buttons to lock/unlock the vehicle. One major difference in these keys is how they are programmed to work with your car and this is where the different car key services come along.

Car Key Cutting

A non-remote car key generally just requires a key to be cut. This process is similar to that of most other keys. Starting with a key blank a copy of your existing key is cut from the blank and you then have a nice shiny new spare care key.

Key Programming

Remote keys not only need a physical key to be cut, they also require programming to work with the car. This requires specialised equipment to communicate with the vehicle and the key.

Why some car keys cost more.

Car security developments over the years have meant that car manufacturers have invested in their key security. Obtaining a car key through your cars dealership may cost you upward of $1000. Prices and offerings by locksmiths are effected by a few things. These are generally related to the technology required to cut and program keys, along with the types of key/remote blanks needed for the job.

Manufaturers have developed their own systems which all need the right tools to be able to successfully duplicate a set of keys. This is one reason why the cost of car keys can become quite expensive.

After-market vs. Genuine
An after-market key means that the blank or the remote chip has been manufactured by a third party. The design of this piece may appear slightly different to your original key mainly to avoid copyright infringement. It still functions the same but generally has a much cheaper pricetag than the original. A genuine key blank has been made by the vehicle manufaturer and is generally covered by their same terms and conditions.

At Wynns Locksmiths we offer a wide range of genuine and after-market keying solutons. If you require assistance with a car key please contact us and we will be able to advise you of a cost.