Wynns Locksmiths

Meet Xavier! He is one of the apprentices at Wynns. We are proud to help with the training and growth of the next generations of locksmiths. Xavier is has just started the second year of his locksmith apprentice. He is a valued member of the Wynns Locksmiths team.

Why do you want to become a locksmith?

It’s a very interesting industry where you don’t see the same things everyday. It also changes your way of thinking when approaching everyday tasks, you think of things from a logical point of view.

What do you enjoy most about being an apprentice locksmith?

I’m learning new things everyday. I enjoy completing tasks that I one thought were difficult whilst at school, like cutting keys by hand.

What excites you about the locksmith industry?

It’s always growing and expanding.

What's your favourite?

FOOD: Anything my Nonna cooks
ICE CREAM FLAVOUR: Oreo, never gets old