Let’s kick off September by introducing you all to our locksmith Jason Crick. He studied performance technology at VCA and worked backstage around Melbourne for ten years. Over the COVID-19 pandemic situation, He undertook Certificate II in Locksmithing and now he has almost finished his first year as an apprentice.
How did you become a Locksmith?
When theaters closed, I was wondering what career to shift into and got it narrowed down to some sort of trade. Then I got locked out of my house.
What do you enjoy most about being a Locksmith?
I like doing the research – tracking down information about strange old locks. I also like helping people.
What excites you about the shoe repair and locksmith industry?
I like that what we do has secret knowledge. It’s similar to the mystery that drew me to backstage work.
What's your favourite?
Animal: Cat
Colour: Black
Food: Takoyaki
Drink: Coffee
Book: Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett