Wynns Locksmiths

Let’s kick off September by introducing you all to our locksmith Jason Crick. He studied performance technology at VCA and worked backstage around Melbourne for ten years. Over the COVID-19 pandemic situation, He undertook Certificate II in Locksmithing and now he has almost finished his first year as an apprentice.

How did you become a Locksmith?

When theaters closed, I was wondering what career to shift into and got it narrowed down to some sort of trade. Then I got locked out of my house.

What do you enjoy most about being a Locksmith?

I like doing the research – tracking down information about strange old locks. I also like helping people.

What excites you about the shoe repair and locksmith industry?

I like that what we do has secret knowledge. It’s similar to the mystery that drew me to backstage work.

What's your favourite?

Animal: Cat

Colour: Black

Food: Takoyaki

Drink: Coffee

Book: Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett